For over a decade, I've pursued a career as a professional baker, inspired by a childhood fascination with cooking channels. Graduating from culinary school in 2012, I've since honed my skills in various bakeries, all driven by the dream of owning my own small bakery. My passion for baking blossomed further during my college years when I discovered the allure of East Asian desserts. Despite not yet working in an Asian bakery, my determination remains resolute. I'm steadfast in my pursuit, eager to immerse myself in that captivating culinary world. Every day, I draw from my experiences and continue to strive for excellence, fueled by the dream that one day, I'll establish myself in the realm of East Asian baking. The memories of childhood inspiration and the unwavering desire to craft exceptional pastries propel me forward on this fulfilling journey in the art of baking.

For five years, writing has been my passion, evolving from a hobby to a professional endeavor. Starting with fanfiction shared on platforms like Wattpad, I've expanded my repertoire across various genres – from romance to fantasy, dark fantasy, horror, and psychological fiction. This journey has not only honed my skills but also broadened my creative scope as a writer.

In August 2021, I set out with a goal—to pen my dream fantasy novel. It took me two years of dedicated writing, along with collaboration with editors and designers, to bring my vision to life. The result: my self-published novel, "The Silent Girl, Iris: The Curse of Limited Words," a realization of a long-held dream.

Now, as a self-published author, I'm venturing further, aiming to fulfill another dream—living in a tranquil cottage with a small farm nestled in an open field, adjacent to a quaint and accessible town. This newfound journey marks the continuation of my aspirations beyond writing, seeking a serene and picturesque lifestyle that aligns with my creative spirit.

Medium member since December 2023
Mimira Smith

Mimira Smith

Book Author

I'm a seasoned professional baker for 12 years. I'm an aspiring polyglot and recently embarked on my journey as an indie author.